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Wedding Details

Sunday, 05 November 2017
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Mas Montagnette,
198 West 21th Street, NY

+1 843-853-1810

  •  Uncategorized

¡Abrimos el plazo de inscripción del Campamento de Verano Lew Hoad 2024! Los más “peques” de la casa ya pueden disfrutar de actividades al aire libre en un entorno incomparable. Del 24 de Junio al 30 de Agosto. Desde los 4 a los 14 años. Nuestro equipo de monitores cualificados y con experiencia, cuidarán de los pequeños realizando actividades como JUEGOS ACUÁTICOS con socorrista titulado, TIRO CON ARCO, VOLLEY, CRICKET,… 

At Lew Hoad´s we are delighted to welcome you to the great celebration of New Year Eve´s Gala Dinner, probably the most glamorous and cosmopolitan in the town. The new outside restaurant has been adorned for the occasion and the Club’s team has turned to create a culinary and visual feast that will make the last night of the year unforgettable. For bookings or information, please call us to 952467673 or

The inscription period for the Summer Camp 2016 is Open! For kids from 3 to 14 years, now they can enjoy outdoor activities in a unique environment from the 27th of June to the 02nd of September. Tennis and Paddle Lessons, Pool and Swimming, lunch Service, Gymkhanas and Dynamics, Craft Workshops, Cooking, Painting, ..  For further information, please do not hesitate to call us to: 952 47 48

Lew Hoad´s restaurant staff has created a delicious menu where you can try some of our specialities, along with our best wines from our cellar. Also, we will have flamenco music adding to an unforgetable night. The dinner will be on Saturday 14th February at 20:30 hours. We have attached the menú. St. Valentine´s Day Menu Welcome Cocktail ********************************************* Bechamel Pillgrim´s Sacallop staffed with Sea Fruits ********************************************* Passion Sorbet ********************************************** Roasted Lamb Leg with